February 10, 2017

The Devil Inside

To buy or not to buy.
I'm still in a quandary on whether to start a vinyl collection or not. On a previous entry, I've already written about my vinyl roots and the reasons why I'm hesitant to tread the analog route.

Up to now, the itch remains unscratched, afraid that it might turn into a full-blown black wax addiction but like gravity, I'm being pulled down by some unknown dark forces to finally give in and join the growing multitude of analog returnees and converts.

These days, I'm desperately trying to save some moolah for an entry level integrated amp. The prominent brands being considered in order of preference are Marantz, N A D and Rotel. All three, incidentally, have that much sought after phono stage in their arsenal.

After buying an amp, I guess it'll be back to a steady diet of 7 Eleven coffee and leftover from breakfast pan de sals in order to raise funds for a decent turntable.

The devil inside me though is whispering rather convincingly:

"Your old amp's still fine. You can now buy a turntable, a phono preamp and some LPs at Cubao X and you're there. Go boyo!"

You little devil!

Tempting, really tempting...