School year 1982-1983 was about to end.
My friends and I were on our senior year. All we had to do is pass the final exams and we're gonna be graduates.
Not so fast lads. There's another requirement to fulfill - a play for our Public Speaking class.
Instead of joining other groups, we reached a consensus to keep ours intact.
Just the six of us. Nobody else but us.
An all-male group?
Why not?
We'll base our play off a short novel from our Filipino class,
translate the title and dialogues in English, task the biggest guy to play the
father's role, the youngest as the black sheep and the rest as brothers.
Piece of cake. We got ourselves a play.
I came up with the initial scenes and then allowed the others to develop it further. We then retreated to a friend's house to finish and rehearse our pre Quentin Tarantino opus. For inspiration, we have Rainbow's "Temple of the King" blaring in the background.
As I was going through a stack of tapes, I noticed a few LPs on a shelf like Elton John's 17-11-70, The Jackson Browne led No Nukes and Loggins & Messina's Best of Friends.
I stopped playing the Slow Rock compilation tape and then cued up the Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina album on the turntable.
As soon as that all too familiar acoustic guitar intro of "Danny's Song" came to life, I was on cloud nine. Before the tune could fade out, I hurriedly lifted the tonearm and gently dropped the needle once more on that very same mark.
Then again, again and again.
Could've gone for hours replaying the same tune but my friends were already yelling in unison as I almost forgot about the damn play!